Saturday, September 26, 2015

Project 1

Illuminated Negatives 

For part of Project 1, I am going to use the idea of illuminating negatives. It is a color photogram which uses a color enlarger. However, since a color enlarger is unavailable, I am going to do a moderation of this process without using a camera. I will edit the images digitally after using a scanner and a black sheet to cover an arrangement of flowers on the scanner. I will do a series of five images. 


Photos by: Stuart Allen Levy

Old Process & New Artist

Process: Illuminated Negatives also known as colored photograms

A photogram is a shadow-like photograph created in the darkroom by placing objects between a light sensitive paper and a light source.

Step 1: Choose your object or specimen
Step 2: Bring it into the darkroom.
Step 3: In total darkness, open your light-sensitive color archival paper and place the paper under the color enlarger. The arrange the objects under the enlarger and over the light-sensitive color archival paper.
Step 4: Expose the paper using the color enlarger after your objects are arranged how you would like. 
Step 5: The paper is then processed using an automated RA4 print processor.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Old Process Tests


Photogram using Objects

This was made with a 5 second exposure and aperture of 11.

Photogram and Tone Reversal Using Magazine Image

This was the magazine image I chose to use. On the other side there were words. When making a magazine photogram, one has to take into account for what is on both sides of the image. 

This was the result of a six second exposure and an aperture of 11.

This was the tone reversal of the original image with a six second exposure and aperture of 8. 


Pinhole Camera

This was taken on a cloudy day and I used an exposure of 25 seconds. 

This was a tone reversal of the original image, however I did not put the emulsion side to the emulsion side of the original image so it became grey and blurry. 


This cyanotype was left in bright sun for 25 minutes then washed with water. After washing it I put it into hydrogen peroxide to turn it deep blue.